hi all I'm not sure it is a trouble in Axon Ivy or may be i'm wrong in this situation, as my understanding about task (reference to Documentation), the task state will be changed when a user open it. But somehow it's quite strange when i use UserTask (new element, with embedded HtmlUserDialog). When user open that task then it open embedded HtmlUserDialog,but the state was not changed to RESUMED as i expect. so i can't prevent another user from opening it (i want just one user can open a same task in the same time), Everything normal in case i use normal task switch element.
I describe task state as below picture (in my investigation):
Is it the way we handle for UserTask element? or do we have any way to know the task is already opened or not? Here is the demo (Axon ivy 6.3) Thanks |
Answer for 6.5.0 and 6.0.6 (LTS) The state for normal HtmlUserDialog is now automatically changed to RESUMED as soon as a user picks up the task. The state SUSPENDED is only kept for UserTask that open an OfflineUserDialog. See also the updated designer documentation: http://developer.axonivy.com/doc/latest/DesignerGuideHtml/ivy.concepts.html#d5e17755 This behaviour change was introduced with 6.0.6 and the sprint release 6.4.1-S18 Workaround for 6.0.5 and 6.4.0 I've an work-around solution for this problem like:
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Asked: 08.11.2016 at 13:02
Seen: 2,800 times
Last updated: 05.12.2016 at 02:00