Hi every body, I used ivy API createChildRole(...) to create a new child role of an existed role, but I checked and known that the new role is not active (by calling method SecurityContext.getActiveRoles() to return a list of active roles, but the new role was not included in that list). Anyone know how to active that role by ivy API? Thank you |
Dear @nguyenbkcse As @trungdv has pointed out:
Dear @Flavio Sadeghi, I got your idea, thank you |
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Asked: 10.07.2017 at 14:08
Seen: 1,727 times
Last updated: 12.07.2017 at 06:48
hi @nguyenbkcse
Can i ask you reason why you need to call this api? why it's not SecurityContext().getRoles()/getAllRoles().
IMO, Active role somehow is handle by ivy system. One mention about that api here:
We should use it with care
Dear @trungdv, I don't call this api, I used AdminUI, and to show the default role list (without checking the checkbox "Display obsolete Roles"), I saw the source code call getActiveRoles(). Of course, the new roles I created are not in that list so I can't see the role in default list (you can see only if you check the checkbox) If you have AdminUI source code and investigate the code, you can see what I mentioned