Two Remote code execution (RCE) security vulnerabilities affecting all versions of Apache Tomcat have been found last week.

CVE-2017-12615 (RCE when readonly set to false, affects Tomcat < 7.0.81 on Windows)

CVE-2017-12617 (RCE when readonly set to false, affects all Tomcat versions on all Operating systems)

Is ivy affected by the newly found Apache Tomcat RCE vulnerabilities (CVE-2017-12615 and CVE-2017-12617) ?

asked 25.09.2017 at 03:53

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SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

edited 25.09.2017 at 03:54

To our knowledge gathered by analyzing our source code and by performing security tests ivy is NOT affected.

Additionally, current available information shows that the vulnerabilities do not affect normal Tomcat installations, but Tomcats that have the readonly param set to false on the default servlet and Tomcats using the WebDAV servlet. Ivy does not have the readonly param set to false and does not use the WebDAV servlet.

Also, see information here and here.


answered 25.09.2017 at 04:13

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SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

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Asked: 25.09.2017 at 03:53

Seen: 2,021 times

Last updated: 25.09.2017 at 04:13