I use Ivy.wf().documents() and want to upload files to my own folder ("c:/documents/attachments/ID"). But I got an error as it always upload to a default roor folder "C:\00.FIXIT_Designer7.0.14\files\application\" and just allows add subs folder inside:

            .add(new ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.document.Path("c:/documents/attachments/ID"))

IOException: Unable to create directory C:\00.FIXIT_Designer7.0.14\files\application\c:\documents\attachments\ID

(double "c:\")

Is there any way to change it?

Thank you!

asked 11.05.2020 at 00:53

nvtan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The document APIs live on the workflow context. Therefore all files are stored relative to the workflow application they belong to.

Documents are valuable artifacts of workflow process. They must be included in backups and so forth as a consequence workflow administrators must known where these documents live. .... so, if the API would allow to store files just anywhere on a drive, this would be a miss-conception.

What you can do since 8.0 is to change the root directory of all files that belong to an application: https://dev.axonivy.com/doc/8.0/engine-guide/configuration/files/app-yaml.html alt text


answered 11.05.2020 at 04:09

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 11.05.2020 at 04:10

Oh that's good for me to know. Thank you @Reguel.

(11.05.2020 at 21:46) nvtan nvtan's gravatar image

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Asked: 11.05.2020 at 00:53

Seen: 1,726 times

Last updated: 11.05.2020 at 21:46