Portal Version: 8.0.6

Is it somehow possible to configure the portal sidebar to be uncollapsed by default?

Portal Sidebar uncollapsed

asked 21.07.2020 at 08:28

fcosti's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi @fcosti

That configuration is not available in Portal.


answered 21.07.2020 at 22:38

lttung's gravatar image

accept rate: 40%

edited 21.07.2020 at 23:01

Hi @lttung

Thanks for the answer. Is there another possibility to achieve this behavior with custom code or anything similar?

(22.07.2020 at 03:36) fcosti fcosti's gravatar image

Hi @fcosti You could add class layout-wrapper-static to menu in BasicTemplate.xhtml (as https://primefaces.org/serenity/docs.xhtml)

  <div class="layout-wrapper js-layout-wrapper #{guestPreferences.orientationRTL ? 'layout-rtl' : ''} #{showMainArea eq true ? '' : 'u-invisibility'}">

change to

  <div class="layout-wrapper layout-wrapper-static js-layout-wrapper #{guestPreferences.orientationRTL ? 'layout-rtl' : ''} #{showMainArea eq true ? '' : 'u-invisibility'}">
(22.07.2020 at 05:04) lttung lttung's gravatar image

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Asked: 21.07.2020 at 08:28

Seen: 2,187 times

Last updated: 22.07.2020 at 05:04