Hello everybody, I have just created a Hello word project by Axon.ivy Designer Version: 5.1.0. In this project, I used dataExporter of primeface for export data from table to excel, pdf, cvs file. However, There were some errors occurred when I tried to export Excel and Pdf. These are error messages I got from log file: For excel: ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.RichTextString For Pdf: ClassNotFoundException: com.lowagie.text.Phrase It worked fine with csv only I try to copy itext-2.1.7.jar to lib folder of project. but it did not help. Could you help me to clarify it. Thank in advance. Huy |
Axon Ivy 7.4 and newerThe apache libraries poi and poi-ooxml are from version 7.4 and onward included in the ivy classpath. This enables the export of excels with primeface's dataExporter. If you want to export pdfs you still have to add the itext library manually as described down below. Pre version 7.4The p:dataExporter uses third party plugins to generate Pdf or Excel files. These third parties must be manually added to the classpath (of the webapp classloader) and are not packed with the primefaces.jars... So in the case of Excel you need to add org.apache.poi to your classpath. You can download it from the official website. After that it put into the directory "Designer root"/webapps/ivy/WEB-INF/lib/ (and restart Designer). In order to export PDFs, you need itext as already mentioned in the question. Hello Dominik Regli, Reguel-wermelinger Happy to let you know that It worked fine after copy both libraries(poi and itext) to the directory [Designer Roo]/webapps/ivy/WEB-INF/lib/ Thank you so much for your help. Huy |
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Asked: 30.09.2014 at 08:50
Seen: 4,557 times
Last updated: 24.05.2019 at 09:27