Questions asked by TareqK asked by <a href="/users/1209/tareqk" >TareqK</a>enThu, 16 Jul 2020 06:52:59 -0400Problem with Primefaces SelectCheckboxMenu<p>Hello, When we use a selectCheckboxMenu and submit it, the pills/selected values change from the label to the value. This has been fixed in primefaces in this issue</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>but the problem is still here on axon ivy <img alt="alt text" src=""></p>TareqKThu, 16 Jul 2020 06:52:59 -0400 Yaml files in Zip for deployment<p>Hello, is it possible to package an app.yaml file with the deployment zip in order to configure the application from code in a non-docker deployment?</p>TareqKThu, 14 May 2020 05:22:58 -0400 Upload In Dialog Issues<p>Hello, We are trying to use primefaces upload inside a dialog/modal. On chrome, it is asking for a file twice, and on firefox nothing is showing at all. Has this ever happened before?</p> <p><a href=""></a></p>TareqKWed, 29 Apr 2020 03:18:53 -0400 Derby Database in Axon.ivy<p>Hello, Is there any way to use the apache derby database in AxonIvy platform 8.0? I tried adding the driver to the project buildpath and configuring the database, but it isnt working through the editor. Is there something that i need to do for it to work?</p>TareqKWed, 08 Apr 2020 04:49:27 -0400 the Dialog REST api for Data<p>Hello, So as I know, each HTML dialog has a rest api to access its methods using the /rest/method/methodName relative to the dialog base. I was wondering if it is possible to do the same with data, using /rest/data/dataParam in the same way. </p>TareqKThu, 19 Mar 2020 05:56:52 -0400 ES6 imports and Modules<p>Hello, So i was follwoing the xample in the HTMLDialogDemos, and I tried to create an es6 module and import it. This worked, however, the imports that my module require are not being imported correctly. This is due to the fact that ES6 imports dont automatically ad the "ln=xpertivy-3-webContent" query param that its calling module got. </p> <p>To be clear, i imported page.js via </p> <pre><code>&lt;h:outputScript a:type="module" library="js/PureHtmlDialog" name="page.js"&gt; &lt;/h:outputScript&gt; </code></pre> <p>which gets the file at</p> <pre><code><a href="http://localhost:8081/ivy/faces/javax.faces.resource/resources/js/PureHtmlDialog/page.js?ln=xpertivy-3-webContent&amp;xv=124700577218">http://localhost:8081/ivy/faces/javax.faces.resource/resources/js/PureHtmlDialog/page.js?ln=xpertivy-3-webContent&amp;xv=124700577218</a> </code></pre> <p>which attempts to import </p> <pre><code>import {Button,Column,Header} from "../component.js"; </code></pre> <p>which in turn gets the URL</p> <pre><code><a href="http://localhost:8081/ivy/faces/javax.faces.resource/resources/js/component.js">http://localhost:8081/ivy/faces/javax.faces.resource/resources/js/component.js</a> </code></pre> <p>if I try to visit the URL</p> <pre><code><a href="http://localhost:8081/ivy/faces/javax.faces.resource/resources/js/component.js?ln=xpertivy-3-webContent">http://localhost:8081/ivy/faces/javax.faces.resource/resources/js/component.js?ln=xpertivy-3-webContent</a> </code></pre> <p>then i can see the file correctly. </p> <p>I also tried to, inside the folder of the HTML dialog itself, to put a javascript file and import it with a plain script tag. This didnt work, and actually crashed the page. </p> <p>Is there a better way to do javascript file imports and es6 imports?</p>TareqKFri, 28 Feb 2020 07:44:51 -0500 in Maven Build<p>Hello, I have been trying to get Jacoco to work with the maven build, because we used sonarqube to as part of our process and we need code coverage metrics. However, no matter what I do, Jacoco is always analyzing zero classes.</p> <p>Is there anything we can do for this?</p>TareqKThu, 09 Jan 2020 08:27:30 -0500 In Axon.Ivy<p>Hello, Has anybody had any experiences with Axon.Ivy and NoSQL databases(namely, MongoDB) ? And if so, how did they approach it and what were the benefits/downsides of using NoSQL with Axon.Ivy.</p> <p>I know that Axon.Ivy Has some NoSQL functionality in it, but we are considering to use a more robust external database rather than relying on the internal one. </p> <p>For context, I have some experience in NoSQL and java, Namely in MongoDB using the Jongo driver. Anybody who has done java implementations is also welcome to share their knowledge.</p>TareqKFri, 25 Oct 2019 14:17:17 -0400 Highligting for Ivyscript<p>Hello, Is there any way to do syntax highlighting in ivyScript? </p>TareqKFri, 11 Oct 2019 04:58:01 -0400 Websockets in axonIvy 7.4<p>Is there any way to use websockets in axonIvy for some real time communication? we need a websocket server for an integration, and so far nothing has worked.</p> <p>Additionally, is it possible to mount custom servlets in axonIvy</p>TareqKThu, 10 Oct 2019 01:47:28 -0400