Questions asked by MichaelDänzer asked by <a href="/users/3/michaeld%C3%A4nzer" >MichaelDänzer</a>enMon, 12 Jan 2015 14:45:50 -0500Which Look and Feels are supported for Rich Dialogs<p>Java UI's do have a nice feature called look and feel with which I can change the look and feel - thus the name ;-). Which look and feels do you support in which version?</p>MichaelDänzerMon, 12 Jan 2015 14:45:50 -0500 blocks Rich Dialog applications and we cannot update<p>My customer runs an Xpert.ivy server without the newest patches. Another customer runs an internal Xpert.ivy server and signs the server with a self generated certificate. With the newest JRE versions (1.7.51 and higher) the rich dialogs can no more be executed or do show a lot of security prompts. Is there a way to let these application run again?</p>MichaelDänzerTue, 20 May 2014 08:11:45 -0400 with Java 1.7.51<p>In a <a href="">blog entry</a> Oracle recently explained the changes that are planned with the next Java update which is scheduled for January 14th 2014. Unfortunately two changes for Java Web Start and Applets are especially harmful and can cause problems in Ivy installations. The two points are:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Missing permission entry in jar manifest:</strong> Oracle introduced the <a href="">two new properties</a> <code>codebase</code> and <code>permission</code> for the manifest files of jars with Java 1.7.25. Up from the January release the latter property is required and Java Web Start will stop if jars do not have a <code>permission</code> entry in the jar manifest. </li> <li><strong>All RIAs (Applets and Web Start applications) must be signed:</strong> All jars used in a Java Web Start application or in an Applet must be signed. Otherwise they will not be executed.</li> </ul> <p>So, basic question: Will our Rich Dialogs in Ivy still work after the update to Java 1.7.51?</p>MichaelDänzerTue, 03 Dec 2013 12:03:49 -0500 in validation of deployment with younger Java classes than source files<p>During the deployment of Xpert.ivy projects on the server I have validation errors that Java source files are younger than the corresponding Java class files. But this is not true, the classes were compiled correctly and must therefore be younger than the .java files. What's wrong?</p>MichaelDänzerThu, 27 Sep 2012 03:38:37 -0400 can I update Subclipse in Ivy?<p>We updated to a newer version of Tortoise and subversion server. Now we can no more use the SVN features of Ivy. We always get error messages or the Designer does not offer the common actions for SVN update or commit.</p>MichaelDänzerFri, 01 Jun 2012 06:10:45 -0400