Questions asked by Christian Strebel asked by <a href="/users/35/christian-strebel" >Christian Strebel</a>enFri, 26 Jun 2020 07:51:27 -0400Unknown Java build problem in Axon.ivy Designer: Failed to init ct.sym<p>With Axon.ivy Designer 9.1 based on eclipse 2020-06 I can not compile my ivy and java projects and get the following Unknown Java Problem in the Problems View:</p> <pre><code>The project was not built due to "Failed to init ct.sym for ...\jre\lib\jrt-fs.jar". Fix the problem, then try refreshing this project and building it since it may be inconsistent </code></pre> <p>What can I do to fix this?</p>Christian StrebelFri, 26 Jun 2020 07:51:27 -0400 can I configure the connector settings of the Ivy Server/Engine?<p>Where can I configure the connector settings of the internal tomcat in the Ivy Server/Engine? In a normal tomcat the connector can be configured in the conf/server.xml file:</p> <pre><code>... &lt;connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" compression="on" compressionMinSize="1024" compressableMimeType="text/css,application/javascript" /&gt; ... </code></pre>Christian StrebelTue, 15 Jul 2014 16:39:43 -0400 to use UTF-8 encoding for Html Pages<p>What steps are necessary to use UTF-8 character encoding (charset) for the Html Pages (JSP)? This is useful to support more special characters and be more compatible with the Html Dialog (JSF) which is per default UTF-8 encoded.</p>Christian StrebelFri, 13 Dec 2013 09:54:09 -0500