Questions asked by Dieter Staudt asked by <a href="/users/610/dieter-staudt" >Dieter Staudt</a>enThu, 25 Oct 2018 11:10:34 -0400How to send user defined text in TASK DESCRIPTION<p><img alt="alt text" src=""><img alt="alt text" src="">Dear all,</p> <p>I have the following problem: A HTML-formatted text in the field TASK DESCRIPTION is displayed correct within the task list. Please see the blue colored in the hardcopy.</p> <p>But the HTML-formatted text is not shown correct in the Assing-New Task-Mail.</p> <p>See the red colored in the second hardcopy.</p> <p>What can I do to create "well-shown well-formatted" Task creation mails.</p> <p>Thank you in advance.</p> <p>Best regards</p> <p>Dieter</p> <p>Sorry I don't have the right to upload a pdf with the hardcopies.</p>Dieter StaudtThu, 25 Oct 2018 11:10:34 -0400 of cases (and tasks) via an IVY Process causes to Database Deadlocks<p>I refer to the question # “478 - How to cleanup old Cases / Tasks?” with my questions:</p> <ol> <li> <p>“Triggers in the XpertIvySystemDatabase” Among other triggers there is a trigger when deleting cases and when deleting tasks. Because the installing and setup of IVY was done many years ago by a former colleague so my first question is: Were all triggers delivered by AXONIVY?</p> </li> <li> <p>“Cleanup of old Cases and Tasks” We use an timer triggered Ivy Process for the Cleanup with the sql-statement for deleting finished cases: “DELETE FROM IWA_Case WHERE DATEDIFF(dd, EndTimestamp, GETDATE()) &gt; in.TimestampString.</p> </li> </ol> <p>The Timestampstring contains the number of days the finished cases will be stored.</p> <p>For example: “DELETE FROM IWA_Case WHERE DATEDIFF(dd, EndTimestamp, GETDATE()) &gt; 7” will delete all finished cases older than 7 days.</p> <p>As mentioned in my first question, all Delete-Statements in the CASE-DELETE-Trigger and all the nested Delete-Statements in the TASK-DELETE-Trigger will be executed automatically.</p> <p>This causes to Database-Deadlocks – see one Message of our Nagios tool:</p> <p>5 deadlocks detected on LUXDB004</p> <pre><code>spid status loginame hostname blk open_tran dbname cmd waittype waittime last_batch SQLStatement 66 suspended sa_ivy LUXAS004 0 2 IvyDb DELETE 0044 6 Jun 6 2017 08:58:20:460PM DELETE IWA_TaskData FROM IWA_TaskData, deleted WHERE IWA_TaskData.TaskId = deleted.TaskId \n \n 66 suspended LUXAS004 0 0 IvyDb DELETE 00bb 76873 Jun 6 2017 08:58:20:460PM DELETE IWA_TaskData FROM IWA_TaskData, deleted WHERE IWA_TaskData.TaskId = deleted.TaskId \n \n 66 suspended LUXAS004 0 0 IvyDb DELETE 00bb 71822 Jun 6 2017 08:58:20:460PM DELETE IWA_TaskData FROM IWA_TaskData, deleted WHERE IWA_TaskData.TaskId = deleted.TaskId \n \n 66 suspended LUXAS004 0 0 IvyDb DELETE 00bb 49495 Jun 6 2017 08:58:20:460PM DELETE IWA_TaskData FROM IWA_TaskData, deleted WHERE IWA_TaskData.TaskId = deleted.TaskId \n \n 66 suspended LUXAS004 0 0 IvyDb DELETE 00bb 55455 Jun 6 2017 08:58:20:460PM DELETE IWA_TaskData FROM IWA_TaskData, deleted WHERE IWA_TaskData.TaskId = deleted.TaskId \n \n </code></pre> <p>What is wrong? What must we do to avoid this deadlocks?</p> <p>Thanks in advance. Dieter</p>Dieter StaudtThu, 08 Jun 2017 07:34:33 -0400 to use the mail activitiy with unicode characters in text fields<p>Dear all,</p> <p>since the end of 2016 we are able to store utf-8 / unicode characters in mssql databases (see #2210 - How to store mandarin chinese text into a MsSql database). But we tried to use this posibility with the mail activity. But we have no succes :-(</p> <p>The internal fields in the data clause which will be passed to the mail are correct. But the result will show ? for each unicode character. For exanple: CHANGE: Expiration date changed ????SHANGHAI</p> <p>What can we do that the sended / received mails will contain unicode characters.</p> <p>Best Regards Dieter </p>Dieter StaudtThu, 11 May 2017 10:39:30 -0400 can I assign a MS SQL-based XpertIvySystemDataBase as the Designer's SystemDb<p>Hello together,</p> <p>in my Designer environment all cases, tasks etc. will only be available through the actual session; after close/reopen the Designer all this informations are lost und for example the TaskQuery will not work. </p> <p>In the meantime I defined the SystemDb as a Hypersonic SQL DB in the Memory (like Q&amp;A#996) but all the informations are also lost after restart the Designer.</p> <p>Is there a way to assign a MS SQL-based XpertIvySystemDataBase as the Designer's SystemDb or to save the Hypersonic MemoryDb to MS-SQL to store all the contents permanently for further developing and testing?</p> <p>Thanks in advance.</p> <p>Dieter </p>Dieter StaudtWed, 07 Sep 2016 11:12:26 -0400 can i call a http-session to an internet-url from ivy and to store some informations form the webpage-answer?<p>Dear all,</p> <p>we have the problem that the timestamp for storing in the database is the local timestamp where the database server is hosted. We need also the local time of the user request, sided all around the word.</p> <p>To calculate the local time of the user there is a https-api-call via Google Maps and the answer will deliver the time zone with the off_set und the daylight saving time offset as diffenrce to UTC.</p> <p>For example: Today it is 2016-06-13 09:45 CEST = 07:45 UTC; the API delivers for Sydney: 36000 Seconds offset and 0 Secondes dst-offset and for Berlin 3600 Seconds offset and 3600 Seconds dst-offset; I can now calculate Berlin Time - 1 Hour Offset - 1 Hour DST-Offset = UTC + 10 Hours = Sidney Local Time = 17:45 </p> <p><a href=",151.200000&amp;timestamp=1696060417">,151.200000&amp;timestamp=1696060417</a></p> <p>Is is possible to do this with IVY or is thera an other way to get the local time of the staff's office?</p> <p>Thanks in advance.</p> <p>Best regards Dieter</p>Dieter StaudtMon, 13 Jun 2016 13:52:04 -0400