Questions asked by Katharina Kaczmarczyk asked by <a href="/users/69/katharina-kaczmarczyk" >Katharina Kaczmarczyk</a>enTue, 11 Dec 2012 09:32:20 -0500How to set the focus in a RTable programmatically?<p>How can I set the focus on a row with row index or column ID? I like to have the same effect like I would click into the cell with the mouse?</p>Katharina KaczmarczykTue, 11 Dec 2012 09:32:20 -0500 window ID for asynchronous Rich Dialog call?<p>I want to start a Rich Dialog asynchronously from a proces into an existing window. To do this I need to provide the window ID in the option " existing window with ID". </p> <p>So, how can I get the window ID of a dialog?</p>Katharina KaczmarczykTue, 29 Nov 2011 11:49:42 -0500 all users for an application<p>I need to get a list with all user names in my application to display them in a combo box? But i do not find a way to do this.</p>Katharina KaczmarczykWed, 20 Oct 2010 05:55:06 -0400 of IvyDemos project<p>I imported the IvyDemos project in my Designer workspace and want to run it. But I see a lot of mistakes especially about a missing IvyAddons project. Where do I get this project?</p>Katharina KaczmarczykMon, 04 Oct 2010 10:58:04 -0400 SQL Server transaction log file is growing and growing?<p>The transaction log file of our Microsoft SQL server with the Xpert.ivy Server database is growing and growing.<br> <br> If I limit the size of the log file then I get error message if the log file is full. If I execute a Delete statement on the table ILOG_Log then the XpertServer_log.LDF will not decrease. In fact it is growing. The Xpert.ivy Server Database itself is not very large only the LDF file is huge.<br> <br> What is it? How can I turn this off? Any other changes?<br></p>Katharina KaczmarczykMon, 13 Sep 2010 09:54:17 -0400