Questions asked by Matthias Lang asked by <a href="/users/81/matthias-lang" >Matthias Lang</a>enThu, 20 Jun 2013 10:19:19 -0400Macro expand/evaluate a string like in 3.x<p>I have a text content object which contains Ivy macros like <code>&lt;%=;</code>. This content object is used as content in an email element with <code>&lt;"...")%&gt;</code>. This works very good.</p> <p>Now we want to do the same but call it with an external function which gets the subject and the content as an argument. But this leads to the following exception: </p> <pre><code>ch.ivyteam.ivy.macro.MacroException: Error during macro expansion: IvyScript Runtime Exception in Instruction:;br/&gt; Block:;br/&gt; at ch.ivyteam.ivy.macro.internal.MacroExpander.expandMacros( </code></pre> <p>Is there a possibility to evaluate a string that contains ivy macros like it was possible in Ivy 3.x?</p>Matthias LangThu, 20 Jun 2013 10:19:19 -0400 to get the responsible user/role for an expired task?<p>If a task expires I want to send an email to the user responsible. Unfortunately I do not find a way to get the user/role assigned for the expired task. If I use <code>ivy.task.getActivator()</code>, <code>ivy.task.getOriginalActivator()</code> or <code>ivy.task.getWorkerUser()</code> then always <code>SYSTEM</code> is returned. I would expect here the user/role of the task before the expiration. So how do I get this user/role?</p>Matthias LangWed, 01 Jun 2011 09:08:56 -0400 mapping for function keys<p>I search for a possibility to start a rich dialog event with the function keys on the keyboard, e.g. to use F5 for refresh. I was successful to use the normal keys for characters or digits, but not for the function keys. How could this be possible?</p>Matthias LangThu, 31 Mar 2011 04:57:08 -0400 window size of a rich dialog depending from the screen resolution<p>We have the problem that rich dialogs runs in screens with different screen resolutions. Running always in full screen mode is no solution and with modal dialogs even not possible. To avoid the scroll bars that some users have, we would like to set the window size depending from the resolution so that everybody gets the best window size. </p> <p>I know I can get the screen size with <code>java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize()</code>. But if use this value in <code>panel.preferredSize</code> it does not work properly. </p>Matthias LangThu, 22 Apr 2010 05:10:35 -0400 of duration as a text into a variable of type duration<p>I need to convert a string variable in the ISO8601 format (e.g. 'P2D') into a variable of type Duration to use it in a task switch. The API method <code>myText.toDuration()</code> converts into the Date type not into Duration. How can I do that?</p>Matthias LangWed, 17 Mar 2010 04:26:00 -0400