Questions asked by lhtan asked by <a href="/users/875/lhtan" >lhtan</a>enThu, 07 Dec 2017 00:01:27 -0500How to change CMS Image when change language?<p>I have an CMS whose type is PNG Image defines 2 picture (one in English and one in German). I insert this image in .xhtml like: <code>&lt;h:graphicimage name="myImage" library="ivy-cms" styleclass="my-image"/&gt;</code></p> <p>There is a button for changing language of whole application.</p> <p>My problem is: When I click on button to change language, my picture doesn't change. It is changed when I clear cache of browser (Ctrl + F5). I have already tried adding attribute <code>update="my-image"</code> for the button, but it still doesn't work.</p> <p>Thanks,</p>lhtanThu, 07 Dec 2017 00:01:27 -0500