Questions asked by Philipp Haslinger asked by <a href="/users/91/philipp-haslinger" >Philipp Haslinger</a>enMon, 14 Nov 2011 11:51:24 -0500How can I start multiple instances of the same application?<p>If I start an application a second time, then you get the message "Redirecting to already running application..." and the already started application gets the focus. The main problem is if the application crashes or needs to be closed with the Windows Task Manager, then I cannot start the application again as long as the session timeout does not happen. So, how can I start an application multiple times?</p>Philipp HaslingerMon, 14 Nov 2011 11:51:24 -0500 events to all open clients from a process<p>How can I send an event to all running clients of my application in order to let them invoke a specific action?</p>Philipp HaslingerTue, 05 Apr 2011 11:31:01 -0400