Questions asked by Benedict Groppe asked by <a href="/users/92/benedict-groppe" >Benedict Groppe</a>enWed, 24 Feb 2010 09:18:46 -0500Java collections in ivyScript<p>I have multiple lists which I combine into one and then have to remove duplicated entries. This in ivyScript. In Java I would use <code>ArrayList</code> for the lists, copy them into a <code>HashSet</code> to remove the duplicates. </p> <p>But I thin I cannot use HashSet in ivyScript and as well the casting of ArrayList does not seem to work as expected. </p>Benedict GroppeWed, 24 Feb 2010 09:18:46 -0500 threading in Ivy processes<p>In Ivy I can parallelize processes (and too User Dialog logic) with a Split element and synchronize them again with the Join element. Does this run in multiple threads?</p>Benedict GroppeMon, 08 Feb 2010 03:49:48 -0500 can I use arrays in ivyScript<p>I want to use Java arrays in ivyScript. But if I use <code>myArray[myIndex]</code> then I get an error <code>unexpected token</code>. </p> <p>So, for example how can I do something like: </p> <pre><code>File dir = new File("myPath"); File[] fileList = dir.listFiles(); </code></pre>Benedict GroppeThu, 03 Sep 2009 02:42:03 -0400 a user have a specific role?<p>I need some insights in the role system of Ivy. I currently check whether a user does have a role by checking whether the current user does have a role with the ID of that role I am interested in. One problem is that I have to hard code the ID's, another problem that the ID's are hard to retrieve and they are different on Designer and Server. Is there a more simple way to find out whether a specific user does have a specific role?</p>Benedict GroppeThu, 06 Aug 2009 07:02:04 -0400 number of same rich dialogs in display<p>I want to load rich dialogs into a display but I want to allow only one instance for one rich dialog. If a rich dialog is started that is already loaded in the display, then the already loaded rich dialog should be selected. Does anyone have an idea how I can achieve this?</p>Benedict GroppeFri, 17 Jul 2009 04:55:02 -0400 NULL values in record set nicely in the RTable<p>I have a record set from a DB query that I want to use for display in a RTable. Some values can be <code>NULL</code> and the result is that the RTable shows them like <code>java.lang.Object@1234</code> which is not very useful information for the end user. </p> <p>How can I make this cell empty for the display?</p>Benedict GroppeTue, 28 Apr 2009 09:48:16 -0400