JSF Rich HTML Dialog - Exit End not closing the Dialog
I have a problem closing a JSF Rich HTML Dialog.
A start process is launching a JSF Rich HTML Dialog (consultation List Demande) with a list of demands (some data). In this list of demand each demand can be displayed by cliking on a button. This button launches another JSF Rich HTML Dialog (open selected demand) which displays the details of this demand.
When finished, the user click on the exit button. A `ExitEnd` is used to get back to the first RichDialog.HTML Dialog.
I want to display the list of demands again so i close the "selectDemande" to get back to the Start Process and if a boolean is false i restart the first richdialog HTML dialog (with the list).
![alt text][1]![alt text][2]![alt text][3]
The problem is that when i try to finish the first richdialog HTML dialog (the one with the list) it starts a loop as shown here :
![alt text][4]
It's like the `ExitEnd` closes the second jsf-rd HTML Dialog (the one with the detail) again and not the one with the list.
There is obviously something I do wrong but I can't see what.
[1]: http://answers.axonivy.com/upfiles/exitend1.jpg
[2]: http://answers.axonivy.com/upfiles/exitend2.jpg
[3]: http://answers.axonivy.com/upfiles/exitend3.jpg
[4]: http://answers.axonivy.com/upfiles/exitend4.jpg