The `project-build-plugin` comes with an optional goal that will write the JARs of the axon.ivy engine classpath to a maven property:
Just bind its execution to a phase that runs before your annotation scanning. And then configure the proprety property `${ivy.engine.core.classpath}` as additionalClasspath on your annotation scanning plugin.
The `project-build-plugin` comes with an optional goal that will write the JARs of the axon.ivy engine classpath to a maven property:
Just bind its execution to a phase that runs before your annotation scanning. And then configure the proprety `${ivy.engine.core.classpath}` as additionalClasspath on your annotation scanning plugin.
The `project-build-plugin` comes with an optional goal that will write the JARs of the axon.ivy engine classpath to maven property:
Just bind its execution to a phase that runs before your annotation scanning. And then configure the proprety `${ivy.engine.core.classpath}` as additionalClasspath on your annotation scanning plugin.