**Workaround for the Axon.ivy Designer logs issue: ...until a fix is available**:
there is an open issue that prevents logs files form being written to Axon.ivyDesigner/logs dir under Mac. Due to the way MacOS handles applications. >> fix it as follows until an official fix is ready
- create a directory 'xpertivy' in the user home directory
- copy the 'log4jconfig.xml' from Axon.ivy Designer.app > Contents > Eclipse > configuration into the 'xpertivy' directory
- edit the log4jconfig.xml in this newly created xpertivy directory
- in the FileLog appender section. Adjust the 'File' parameter so that after ${user.dir} an additional part `../Eclipse` is added. So the final file looks as this: `<param name="File" value="${user.dir}/../Eclipse/logs/ivy.log"/>`
- save log4jconfig.xml and restart your designer.
- now logs should be written to the Axon.ivyDesigner app > Contents > Eclipse > logs > ivy.log
![alt text][1]
Log Logs for the Design time runtime enviroment can be found in various locations
- https://developer.axonivy.com/doc/8.0.2/designer-guide/process-modeling/simulation-debugging.html?highlight=runtime%20log#runtime-log-view
- or the standard 'Error Log' view of Eclipse
- Axon.ivy Designer.app/Contents/Eclipse/Logs/ivy.log (see workaround above)
If your want logs from the engine used during maven builds:
- use the commandline option '-X' e.g. `mvn clean verify -X` ...to see debug log outputs
- some logs are also visible here: http://axonivy.github.io/project-build-plugin/release/8.0/start-test-engine-mojo.html#engineLogFile
- in maven builds the engine can be consumed from various locations. Standard location is [user.home]/.m2/repository/.cache/ivy/... /logs
- however; if you migrate to 8.0 LTS once ... and can use the latest project-build-plugin:8.0.1 there are more log outputs available: the engine being used is printed to console and one can easily navigate to that directory and examine its log directory.
[1]: https://answers.axonivy.com/upfiles/log4jconfig_modified.png