Hi John
The resources (js, css, images) are cached one week in the browser if running with the Axon.ivy Engine, Designer is different because JSF runs there in the Development mode. Some of the resources e.g. form webcontent have an additional url parameter "xv" which are is changing if the file is changed modified on the server (eg. when deploying new hotfix). This means then they are always loaded newly reloaded by the browser because the they have a new adress.
I tried an 8.0.3 Axon.ivy Engine with the default Portal localy run with docker. There all resources (js, css, images) expire after a week. So if i visit it a second time all this resources come form the browser cache, see screenshot with the "Firefox Network Analysis" open:
I also tried it with our internal demo server, which has a nginx in front of the Axon.ivy Engine, same picture, just that they are served now with http2:
To further improve the loading time it is may be worth to gzip the resources. But this then needs more CPU on the server. My advice is to enable this in the Front-end Server (e.g. nginx) and not in ivy, because the Front-end Server is normally optimized for this task.
[1]: https://answers.axonivy.com/upfiles/Screenshot_20200309_092843.png
[2]: https://answers.axonivy.com/upfiles/Screenshot_20200309_090841.png