Hi, I just tried to add a dependency by inserting the reference found here ( https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.opencsv/opencsv/3.8) into the pom.xml of the project (using Axon Ivy Designer 6.0.4) I tried to build it with "mvn install" in the command line and got an error that the library is missing (CSVWriter cannot be resolved to a type) Executing the following command shows me that the artifact ist downloaded. "mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=com.opencsv:opencsv:3.8"
Adding the library in the Axon Ivy Environment removes the errors in the IDE. But the error still exits if I want to execute a "maven install". Is there anything I'm missing? BR and thx, Gerald POM File:
The thing is, that only IAR maven-dependencies are included in the projects classpath on the engine. There is currently no built in support to include normal JAR dependencies in a project and auto-download them when a project is deployed to an engine. A simple work-around is to add the maven-dependency-copy plugin to your POM.xml. It will copy JAR dependencies to a directory in your project and you can add it to the classapth:
With this configuration you can run Hi, thx for the answer. This works well and I have the lib in the local project folder. But I still cannot execute a "mvn compile" (I want to run the build process on a Jenkins later). I added the lib in Axon Ivy and it tells me that there are no longer missing references. But, as mentioned, the command line process cannot find it. Do I need to define the local library somewhere else for Maven? Thx in advance, Gerald Try to use the latest project-build-plugin:6.3.0 as it has several improvements in the classpath handling: http://axonivy.github.io/project-build-plugin/release/6.3/index.html If the commandline execution still does not work. Run |
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Asked: 10.10.2016 at 18:45
Seen: 9,829 times
Last updated: 25.09.2017 at 08:50
Could you include your pom file?