How can I get more permissions for test users in the Designer. I get a lot of such messages

PermissionDeniedException: User admin must have one or multiple of the following permissions SessionReadAll, SessionReadAll

asked 13.03.2009 at 06:55

Steffen%20Janthor's gravatar image

Steffen Janthor
accept rate: 0%

You can use the pre-defined Developer user which has all permission granted. Go to the Ivy process start page in the browser and choose Workflow -> Login. Use Developer as user name and password.


answered 16.03.2009 at 05:40

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

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Asked: 13.03.2009 at 06:55

Seen: 3,367 times

Last updated: 13.03.2009 at 06:55