Hi guy,

I am using java to call a sub process (1). On sub process, it calls another process on async mode and wait for this async process finished. But it gets an exception

ClassCastException: java.lang.Object cannot be cast to ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.util.IIvyDataObject BpmError: ivy:error:system IvyRuntimeException: BpmError ivy:error:system Unique ID: 16ED0879C1F1D89D Process Element: Wait for the other business processes to end <16ECF9C19BDDE0E4-f6> Process Call Stack: callServiceCheck() <16ECF9C19BDDE0E4-f0> ch.ivyteam.util.IvyRuntimeException: BpmError ivy:error:system Unique ID: 16ED0879C1F1D89D Process Element: Wait for the other business processes to end <16ECF9C19BDDE0E4-f6> Process Call Stack: callServiceCheck() <16ECF9C19BDDE0E4-f0>

But it can work well if I trigger the start link (2) directly

alt text

How can I overcome this problem?


asked 04.12.2019 at 05:58

nvcuong01's gravatar image

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edited 04.12.2019 at 06:00

Which ivy version? How do you call the sub process with java? and why do you need to do that?

(05.12.2019 at 09:58) Lukas Lieb ♦♦ Lukas%20Lieb's gravatar image

I am using Ivy 7.0.11 and call sub process on plain java

SubProcessCall .withPath("Functional Processes/callServiceCheck") .withParam("signalDataCheck", signalDataCheck) .withParam("dossierId", dossierCobId) .call();

I would like to create a process like the example project "RichDialogDemos -> WaitForAsyncProcessDemo -> MainBusinessProcessStart". The reason because I want to run check service in the background and update UI after having the result. Thanks

(05.12.2019 at 21:17) nvcuong01 nvcuong01's gravatar image

Hm... this was never our intension to call a subprocess with java and to wait in this process. But I'm sure that this process can be build in an other way. e.g. wait in the java code. Can you send me this demo project?

(06.12.2019 at 05:05) Lukas Lieb ♦♦ Lukas%20Lieb's gravatar image

Thank for your response. I just would like to make sure that ivy doesn't support this point. I already used plain java to do that. Unfortunately, I deleted that sub process and don't have time to build demo project again. Thank a lot for your support!

(09.12.2019 at 02:19) nvcuong01 nvcuong01's gravatar image

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Asked: 04.12.2019 at 05:58

Seen: 1,928 times

Last updated: 09.12.2019 at 02:19