Hi, ivy team support, May we ask you what is the way ivy server build process model name and put it inside table iwa_processmodel?. I saw sometimes it is uppercase, sometimes it is lowercase.


asked 11.06.2020 at 06:19

nndiem's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11.06.2020 at 06:22

Hi nndiem

The process model name in the iwa_processmodel table should have the same case as the project's name that is deployed i.e. MyProject -> MyProject myProject -> myProject

It is possible that some databases convert everything to lower case.

Is there a reason/use-case that you need to know that or did you observe any strange behavior?

Best regards,



answered 15.06.2020 at 02:35

Oliver%20Heer's gravatar image

Oliver Heer
accept rate: 57%

Hi Oliver Heer, Thank you for your answer, it satisfies me. I just want to know the way to build that value. No behavior is strange.


(15.06.2020 at 02:43) nndiem nndiem's gravatar image

Be aware that until 7.0 LTS users could freely define any Process Model name using the Admin UI (legacy deployment dialogs).

Besides this, we may have and will change the auto created PM case in future versions. So I'd expect a mix of writing styles in projects that have been migrated from older ivy engines.

And last but not least: there are third party deployment tools being used in the field. Hopefully no longer with 8.0 LTS ... However, we have no control or knowledge how these third parties handle project names.

(15.06.2020 at 04:33) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 11.06.2020 at 06:19

Seen: 2,330 times

Last updated: 15.06.2020 at 04:35